Natural homemade peanut butter

2023-05-02 Recipe Author

Natural homemade peanut butter
Did you know that natural nut butter is not only a delicious snack, but also a highly nutritious food with health benefits? Research shows that nut butters can help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, regulate cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of gallstones.

This is a great food supplement that many people like to eat with porridge, fruit, toast and rice crispies. As a great source of protein, athletes use it to flavour cottage cheese and smoothies.

Unfortunately, most of the nut butters sold in the supermarket have added sugar, salt, palm oil, preservatives and other ingredients that are not only useless but can be harmful to health.

The good news is that you can make your own nut butter in less than 15 minutes.


    • Shelled peanuts: 500 grams
    • Oil: 2 teaspoons (ideally coconut, macadamia nut or any other oil except olive oil)
    • Salt: to taste
    • Sugar: to taste

    Recipe Directions

  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. oven preheated to 180 degrees
  3. 2. Toast the nuts in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.
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  5. 3. Then grind them! You can use a food processor or a grinder. Grind at low speed, occasionally scraping off the nut mixture that sticks to the walls, and grind again until the nuts are moist, that is, the oil starts to separate. If you have a good food processor or grinder, this will take about 3-5 minutes. At this stage, to speed up the process, add the oil (sweeten or add salt to taste if you like) and grind for a few more minutes until the desired consistency is reached.
  6. 4. The longer you churn, the more liquid the butter will be. Enjoy!
  7. 5. Note: No preservatives or artificial additives - the best natural homemade nut butter in minutes!