Pork Neck BBQ Steaks

2018-04-05 Recipe Author Worldrecipes.eu

Pork Neck BBQ Steaks


    • A kilo of pork neck
    • 6 tablespoons of soy sauce
    • Half an onion
    • 3 slices of garlic
    • 2 tablespoons of oil
    • A teaspoon of Worcester sauce
    • Half a teaspoon of chili powder

    Recipe Directions

  1. 1. Cook on a grill or in a baking oven. Enjoy it with rice and vegetables.
  2. 2. Cut the meat into finger-sized pieces. Chop garlic and onion, pour it on the meat. Pour soy sauce, oil, and the rest of the fixings. Mix the meat and leave it to marinate for about half an hour.
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