Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)

2023-05-10 Recipe Author Worldrecipes.eu

Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
The base of this pizza is made of courgettes instead of flour as usual. If you have too much zucchini, this pizza is a really good way to use it up! Although I liked this pizza, it should not be compared to a regular pizza.

The base was a little bit like a non-sweet cake. I didn't put a lot of flour, so it was quite soft and fluffy, but it definitely kept its shape.

It is important to drain the zucchini liquid well. I actually never drain it completely, but I do remove most of the liquid. I sprinkle a good pinch of salt over the grated courgette. Leave to stand for 10-15 minutes, or until the liquid has drained out. Then I strain it through a sieve or squeeze it with my hands.

I put rice flour in the base. The dough should be thick.

The base was formed by placing it on the sides of a round baking tin.

On the baked zucchini pizza I spread tomato sauce, grated mozzarella cheese, tomato and tuna in their own juices.


    For the courgette base:
    • 800 g courgettes from the garden, medium size
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 2 eggs, size M
    • 4 tbsp. (40 g) rice flour
    • 30 g hard cheese, finely grated
    • 1/3 tsp. garlic powder
    • black pepper, Italian seasoning mix
    For the pizza:
    • Tomato sauce, grated mozzarella cheese, tuna, tomato, black pepper
    For decoration: 
    • Fresh basil

    Recipe Directions

  1. 1. Grate the courgettes with a beetroot grater. Sprinkle with salt. Leave to stand for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. 2. Then strain into a sieve and squeeze out the liquid.
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  4. 3. Transfer the zucchini to a bowl, beat in the eggs, add the cheese and seasoning. Mix until smooth. Add the flour. Stir. The batter will be thick.
  5. 4. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread the courgette mixture in the middle. With a spatula, form a circle (approximately 26 cm in diameter). The sides of the baking tray can be covered to make it easier to form the pizza base.
  6. 5. Bake at 220 C for about 25-30 minutes or until the top is lightly browned.
  7. 6. Cool the base slightly. Spread tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese, top with tomato, tuna. Sprinkle with pepper. Bake at 180 C for about 7-8 minutes or until cheese is melted.
  8. 7. Sprinkle with basil leaves. Delicious!
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)
Zucchini-based pizza (gluten-free)