Peach and Strawberry Yogurt Cake

2022-08-20 Recipe Author Lithuanian in the USA

Peach and Strawberry Yogurt Cake
Since it’s an isolation time for everyone, so at least now I have endless time to bake cakes and try new recipes. Anyway, it’s extremely hard for me to force myself to bake a cake, because the whole process takes away almost most of the day, and it also takes a while to figure out how to decorate the cake (one of the most difficult parts for me :D). While living in Lithuania, I used to bake a cake maybe once or twice a year, because there are so many different bakeries, pastry shops and supermarket bakeries, where cakes are super delicious. And again, I will complain about American cakes, but I have never had a really delicious cake here. Well, I have tried some truly cheesecakes, but they are still not the type of cakes I am used to have in Lithuania. Because in Lithuania you can find any type of cake you want – with the fillings made from heavy cream or sour cream, cakes with custard creams, meringues, yoghurt, coffee, honey cakes and etc. Anyways, you got the point, I even got my head spinning after remembering how many fantastic cakes can be found in Lithuania. However, it is very difficult to find such cakes in America. The easiest way is to bake a cake at home. Then you really know that the cake is a real deal.

So here I am – sharing with you tested and approved yogurt cake recipe. I remember yogurt cakes in Lithuania as fresh, light and super delicious. That’s what this cake is all about – you don’t need to add or subtract anything. As Easter approaches, perhaps a yogurt cake will decorate your Easter table.

I have a few tips for you before baking the cake. Adjust the sweetness of the cream to your taste and according to the sweetness of the yogurt. Don’t be afraid to add more sugar if you feel the need. Also, adjust the sweetness/sourness of the syrup yourself, depending on the sweetness/sourness of peach syrup left from canned peaches. Most importantly, be sure to handle gelatin carefully so that the gelatin doesn’t overheat when melting in a microwave and is cool enough while stirring into the cream, but still liquid (so that you can pour a thin stream into the cream). Anyways, there seem to be so many steps and tips, but it’s better to read and know now (if you’re not some kind of super cake baker/maker…) than to fail somewhere later. 😀

Enjoy my dears!!!


    Sponge cakes:
    • 4 eggs
    • 130 g (1/2 cup) granulated sugar
    • 100 g (3/4 cup) all purpose flour
    • 8 tbsp. warm water
    • 1 1/2 tbsp. corn starch
    • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
    • 2 pinches of salt
    • 400 ml (1 ¾ cup) heavy cream (cold)
    • 300 ml (1 ¼ cup) peach flavor yogurt
    • 1 small can of peach halves in sweet syrup
    • 120-150 g (1 handful) of strawberries
    • 6 tbsp. granulated sugar
    • 60 ml (1/4 cup) water
    • 20 g unflavored gelatin
    • syrup left over from canned peaches
    • 1 cup warm water
    • 4-5 tbsp. sugar
    • 1/2 lemon (juice)
    For decoration:
    • 160 ml (2/3 cup) heavy cream
    • 3-4 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
    • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract or vanilla sugar
    • 1-2 handful of strawberries

    Recipe Directions

  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F).
  2. 2. Lay down a sheet of parchment paper on a bottom of round baking pan (I used a 20 cm (8 in) in diameter springform pan).
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  4. 3. Grease the bottom and sides of the pan with a little bit of butter.
  5. 4. Sponge cakes: Separate egg whites from egg yolks. Put the yolks in one bowl together with sugar, mix using an electric mixer.
  6. 5. Then add water and mix for about 3 minutes until the batter doubles. In another bowl, beat egg whites with a pinch of salt. Mix until egg whites become stiff and do not fall out from the bowl when turned over.
  7. 6. In another bowl, mix flour with starch, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Sift flour 2 times. Slowly and gradually incorporate flour mixture to the yolk mass (I used a rubber spatula).
  8. 7. Then carefully and slowly fold in egg whites. Pour half of the dough into a baking pan, smooth the surface and bake in a preheated oven for 20-22 minutes. Check whether the sponge cake is done with a wooden toothpick.
  9. 8. When it’s done, remove sponge cake from the oven and leave to cool for 5 minutes, then remove from the baking pan, leave to cool completely and carefully cut in half. In the same way, bake the second sponge cake and cut in half.
  10. 9. If you want, you can bake sponge cakes in 2 baking pans at once, or bake 1 sponge cake and cut into 3 parts.
  11. 10. Syrup: Mix all the syrup ingredients in one bowl and set aside. Adjust the sweetness of the syrup to your taste. I added a bit more sugar because the syrup and yogurt I used were not particularly sweet.
  12. 11. Filling: Leave yogurt at room temperature so that it’s no longer cold. Whip the cream with an electric mixer until it starts to thicken a little, add sugar and mix until it becomes thick (just don’t overmix).
  13. 12. In a small bowl, mix gelatin with water, leave to swell for 5-10 minutes.
  14. 13. Then heat in a microwave for 10-15 seconds until it melts (follow the heating time and do not overheat, otherwise gelatin won’t harden). Cool gelatin a little and pour it into the yogurt in thin stream while stirring constantly using electric mixer.
  15. 14. Then carefully and slowly incorporate whipped cream (I used a rubber spatula).
  16. 15. Leave filling in a refrigerator for a short time (do not leave it for too long, otherwise filling will harden).
  17. 16. Drain the peaches, cut into small pieces. Cut the strawberries into small pieces as well.
  18. 17. Assembling the cake: Lay down a sheet of parchment paper on the bottom and edges of the springform pan (where you baked sponge cakes).
  19. 18. Put first sponge cake, using a spoon pour syrup on it (be generous with the syrup, but pour it carefully so it wouldn’t run over the edges of the sponge cake). Apply a third of the filling, place a third of the fruits, add a second sponge cake, pour syrup, apply half of the remaining filling and place half of the fruits.
  20. 19. Add a third sponge cake, pour syrup, spread the filling, add all the remaining fruits, and put the last sponge cake on the top and pour syrup (you might not use all the syrup, but that’s ok). Put the cake in refrigerator and leave it for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  21. 20. Decorating: In one bowl whip the cream with confectioners’ sugar and vanilla extract.
  22. 21. Remove the cake from the mold, decorate with cream and strawberries. Enjoy!!!
Peach and Strawberry Yogurt Cake
Peach and Strawberry Yogurt Cake
Peach and Strawberry Yogurt Cake
Peach and Strawberry Yogurt Cake
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