Indian chickpea stew - curry with coconut milk

2023-05-08 Recipe Author

Indian chickpea stew - curry with coconut milk
An Indian-inspired stew with chickpeas and coconut milk that's perfect for dinner every day! This is another wonderful dish from the kitchen cupboards, as it is based on chickpeas, tinned tomatoes and one packet of medium-fat coconut milk.

If you want a thicker and even more creamy curry, you can opt for a creamy 24% coconut milk. The rest of this stew is made up of fresh and dried spices, so the stew will be very aromatic and warming. This is a basic recipe for chickpea curry, which can also be supplemented with sliced pumpkin or spinach in season. I usually make this stew with home-cooked chickpeas, which I usually take out at the beginning of the week and store in the fridge so that I can quickly make hummus, add them to salads, or puree them into soups and stews. If you don't have cooked chickpeas, canned chickpeas in a tin are ideal. In less than 30 minutes, you'll have a hearty, flavoursome stew steaming on your table!

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    • onion: 1
    • Garlic: 5 cloves
    • Ginger root: about the size of a thumb
    • canned chickpeas: 1 can (or 1 glass cooked)
    • chopped canned tomatoes: 1 can
    • 18% fat coconut milk: 1 packet (250 millilitres)
    • Cumin: 1 teaspoon
    • Turmeric: 1 teaspoon
    • Cinnamon: 1 teaspoon
    • Chilli: 0,5 teaspoon
    • Unrefined brown sugar: 1 teaspoon
    • salt
    • ghee butter (for frying)
    For serving:
    • cooked rice
    • chopped coriander leaves

    Recipe Directions

  1. 1. First, we'll cook the rice, and then we'll prepare our stew while it cooks.
  2. 2. In a deeper pan, fry the finely chopped onion, garlic and grated ginger root in melted butter.
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  4. 3. Sprinkle the fresh spices with the dried spices cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, chilli and stir-fry.
  5. 4. Then add the tinned tomatoes and drained tinned chickpeas (or cooked chickpeas), season with salt and sugar and cook for a few minutes.
  6. 5. Then add the coconut milk and cook for a few more minutes.
  7. 6. Remove from the heat.
  8. 7. The stew is served in bowls with cooked rice and sprinkled with chopped coriander leaves. If the stew is a little spicy, deglaze the curry with a few tablespoons of natural yoghurt. Enjoy!
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