After moving to the US, I just fell in love with all sorts of salsas served with a all kinds of snacks, meat and fish dishes. If you want to add some extra, fresh taste to a boring or plain dish, I always think about salsa. I make and love all kinds of salsas. Probably the most common salsa I make is made from tomatoes, cilantro, onion and pepper, as I usually have these ingredients on hand. Such salsa is not only suitable for regular dishes, but very tasty with tortilla chips as well. To improve tomato salsa I sometimes add avocado – I use this salsa for tacos or other Mexican dishes, also to prepare rice bowls. Well, and mango, avocado and bell pepper salsa gives a fantastic taste to the fish. No matter how the fish is cooked – in the oven, fried in a pan or on the grill – mango salsa will always improve the taste of the fish.