Chicken dishes

Chicken Meatball Soup

Today I am preparing a light tasty soup with meatballs from minced chicken, namely fillet. The soup is suitable for absolutely everyone. As it suits taste requirements of both adults and children, also those who are losing weight and for those who no...

Quick chicken breast salat with cucumber, eggs, ham and cheese

Every housewife probably has her own quick meals that take very little time to make but are loved by the whole family. This time, I want to share a family favourite - chicken breast medley-salat with cucumber, boiled eggs, ham, tomatoes and cheese. I...

Cooked chicken legs in sauce

Chicken feet are more commonly found on the shelves of pet shops than on our plates, even though they are a particularly important source of calogen. Calogen is essential for the formation of connective tissues in the human musculoskeletal system. It...

Thai red curry with chicken and coconut milk

Thai red curry with chicken is probably one of my favourite quick meals, enough for my husband and I for 2 days, or else it's a dish that can feed a gathering of friends. Most of my friends have already tasted this wonderful dish (and more than once)...

Chicken, Tomato and Cheese Pasta

Pasta can be prepared in a variety of ways. I usually prepare it this way – I make the sauce, cook pasta and then mix everything together. Only in this way a lot of pots and bowls are getting dirty. Therefore, when you don’t want to wash piles of pot...
